Wednesday 27 May 2015

Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free brownies.

As part of my health kick, I've been cutting down on gluten, refined sugar and 'bad' foods, and although I haven't given anything up completely, I've been trying out some healthier options.

As part of my What I Eat in a Day video (going up tomorrow) I attempted to make Deliciously Ella's raw brownies. I love brownies, but they're very calorific and not very healthy, whereas these ones consist of good ingredients: raw cacao, maple syrup, dates and pecans. Also as they're raw, they don't require any cooking, just freezing for an hour.

The recipe is from the Deliciously Ella cookbook that I blogged about last week, so even though I've included them in a video, I thought I'd do a post as well, as I know some of you prefer my posts, and some of you prefer my videos! I'd really recommend Ella's blog and book as there's loads of amazing recipes there!

The brownies were easy to make (even for me, and I'm possibly the worst cook) and they turned out really well. They are quite sticky though and need to be kept in the fridge, so probably not ideal for lunch boxes or anything, but are such a tasty snack! I've eaten quite a few of mine now, and I love that I don't need to worry about unhealthy ingredients, and that I can eat these guilt-free.

I'm really enjoying my healthy eating, and although I'd never give up any foods (even though I'm already vegetarian) I'm really feeling the benefits of eating an 80% super-healthy diet. I'm no nutritionist, but it seems to be working well for me, and I feel like 80% healthy is enough for me for now, and anyway,  life's too short to give up treats like pizza, chips and cake!

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