Saturday 14 March 2015


The lovely folk over at teapigs asked me if I'd like to try some of their teas. I of course said yes, as I love my tea and can't be without a brew! I've tried a few teapigs teas before including the liquorice and mint (which is amazing for bed time) and the chocolate and mint  which tastes yummy! 

I was never a fan of herbal teas, as all the ones I'd tried had a funny taste, and I just didn't like them. I first tried 'proper' herbal tea when I picked up a little pack of teapigs as I wanted a caffeine free zero calorie drink for bed time. I was really impressed as it tasted amazing, and didn't have any of the strange tastes that I found in other tea bags. 

I'd never tried the everyday brew tea* though, as I usually just stick to Tetley and hadn't been so adventurous. The everyday brew is a normal tea, but I wish you could taste it through the screen! It doesn't taste like 'normal' tea, as you can really taste the different flavours in it and I really noticed them. teapigs teas always smell so good too, I don't know how they do it, but maybe they should branch out into candles too! I drink my everyday brew with a splash of semi-skimmed milk (I'm quite particular about that) but you can make it just the way you like. I use one tea pyramid (no ordinary tea bags from teapigs) per cup which gives me the perfect strength (as you can see in the photo above) but if you like a weaker tea you could make two, or you could add more milk, sugar, lemon or whatever it is you prefer! 

These teapigs teas are more expensive, but trust me they taste a million times better, and have better ingredients in them too. I'm such a convert now! 

The other teas I was sent to try are the chocolate and mint* (which I already love), sweet ginger* and fennel & liquorice*. These are great for bed time as they're caffeine free, or perfect when you've had enough caffeine for one day! I find them really refreshing, and now it's warming up a bit here in the UK, I can't wait to try some of them as iced teas (they have instructions on the packet). 

I also love this cute mug* that they sent to me. It has a really cute chicken on it (Noopy's favourite animal) and on the handle it says no airs. no graces, just fine tea. which sums up teapigs perfectly! 

So it's safe to say I'm a bit of a tea fanatic. The other teapigs teas I'd recommend are the earl grey strong  , peppermint and I'd love to try the popcorn tea next! They have an amazing range though, so even if you don't fancy these flavours, there's loads to choose from on their website, and they also sell them in most supermarkets. If you're not sure what you'd like, you can get a sample pack with two tea pyramids for £1.30 which is a great way to try them all and find your favourite! 

So, what kind of teapigs are you having this weekend? x

*PR sample. These products were sent to me for review from teapigs, however all opinions are my own, and I would never promote any product or brand that I wouldn't be happy to buy myself (and in fact I have bought teapigs myself, and will continue to do in the future) 

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