Saturday 26 September 2015

Weekly Roundup #9 & Primark Haul

I haven't done one of these posts in weeks, but I thought I'd do one of this week & last week's events and happenings! 

Florence + The Machine 
I went to see Florence live at the Manchester Arena last week, FATM are currently on their How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful tour and it was absolutely amazing. I don't mention music much on here, so if you didn't know, Florence + The Machine are my absolute favourites and if I had a bucket list  seeing them live would have been on it. I'd really recommend seeing them live if you're a big fan like me, it was probably the best thing I've ever been to! I was literally so sad when it was over! I did buy something from the merchandise too, which I'll show in a haul video going up tomorrow! 

I'm blonde again! Last Saturday I was feeling pretty bored, and my hair needed washing and toning, and I've been thinking about re-dying it for a while now as it was looking very orangey. Everyone keeps telling me that my hair is better blonde, and somehow I didn't feel 'myself' with darker hair so I decided to go back blonde! I did it myself at home instead of going to the salon, as it's a lot cheaper, and I find colouring and highlighting hair pretty easy (If you've not done it a lot though, I'd recommend going to a salon!). I'm going to film a video about the products I used and the different stages and things, so if you're interested, keep an eye out for that video. 

Other News 
There aren't any other 'exciting' things to report, but my new job is going very well and I'm managing so far to keep up with my blog and youtube schedule, which I'm pleased about. 

If you haven't seen it, here is my latest video - It's another Primark haul! (obviously filmed before I dyed my hair back blonde!) 

I hope you've all had a great week, and for those of you starting/going back to school, college, uni, or work, I hope it's going well for you! :)

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